Sunday, October 26, 2008


Griffin sleeps

Our stroller. I just like the lighting in this picture. Braddock is in the front, then Griff, and then Julia

Braddock gets ready for his bath

Julia after bath

Julia doesn't look too happy but really she loves her bath.
The days are running into each other for us right now. It's more like a series of 24-hour shifts where we're on duty every three hours. We are very tired but it's a happy tired. These babies are so much fun. As I type this Griffin is laying next to me (just like in the picture since I just took it with my cell phone) Julia is having some tummy time and Braddock is sleeping on Bill's chest. It's so quiet. They'll start squeaking in maybe 20 minutes because their bellies will alert them that it is time for the 9:00 pm feeding. They are like clockwork. I set my alarm for every three hours but I find I don't really need it. If anything, they are 15 minutes early. We've filled all the bottles for the next 24 hours, bathed everybody, put the vitamins and iron in their bottles for the next two feedings... So we're ready to feed one more time and try to sleep for a couple hours ourselves. We have a busy week full of doctors appointments and nurse visits. The appointments mess up the schedule which freaks me out. I like the schedule because I know exactly what to do and when to do it. Throw an outing into the mix and I'm all worried about how to get back to the schedule. Crazy, right?
We'll let you know how it goes this week. We also took lots of pictures that we have to transfer to the computer so we can share them.
More soon, I swear.

1 comment:

anne barclay said...

Sounds like things are going well and the pictures are adorable. Oh, yes, the SCHEDULE! I can remember actually writing down how many ounces Amy took at each feeding and would go nuts if the SCHEDULE got messed up. It was all about the SCHEDULE! I'm sure it is all important when you've got three little ones to deal with - but eventually you will laugh about the SCHEDULE. (Notice all caps in SCHEDULE.) Somehow even when the SCHEDULE gets messed up, everyone copes and things get straightened out again. And before you know it, the SCHEDULE just takes care of itself. I'm sure Julia, Braddock and Griffin will deal with little upsets in the SCHEDULE. It's amazing how babies will adapt to whatever happens, look at how well they're doing now! They are just so beautiful and healthy looking.
Hang in there, it does get better and you will look back on these days with fondness. They are growing and changing every minute. It really is a miracle.
Nic, thanks for the info about Amy Boyle. I will make sure that my Amy gets it. She was psyched to hear that you found her!
Okay, this was a long comment, huh? I'll let you get some sleep now. You're doing a great job with this blog. Love, Anne