So we had a big morning out. It was our biweekly eye doctor appointment. We were feeling pretty good about ourselves getting everybody fed, changed, dressed, eye drops in, and out the door nearly on time. Getting from the car to the eye doctor's office is, honest to God, a complete scene but we made it before our scheduled appointment time. There is not one person that doesn't see the triple decker stroller and at the very least do a double take. Usually the reactions are so animated -- a lot of "God Bless You"s, lots of personal questions. It's like we have a thousand new best friends. Watching little kids' expressions is priceless. They just don't know what to make of us. We are nothing short of a spectacle. But the eye appointments went well, and all three are looking good. The doctor thinks maybe only one more visit in two weeks, two at the most. We even saw some NICU friends there so that was a treat. As we left, were feeling like it was too easy, and then we step outside and there's a little snow. Really -- this is happening on Oct. 28 -- snow. As we started our trek home, there was more than a little snow and then suddenly we're having near white-out conditions and all the traffic has stopped. I'm pretty sure nobody forecasted this weather advisory. We're sitting watching the guy next to us spinning his wheels desperate to get a little traction but going nowhere fast, when we start to hear little noises from our three perfect children. Oh, great, I'm thinking, we're not moving at all; there are spin outs to the left and the right and an Exxon truck that is putting cones between its tires so it won't roll backwards, hit something and explode! And, of course, because I am a new Mom who doesn't know exactly what to put in the diaper bag, I do not have enough formula to feed all three should we get stranded for hours. Please don't start screaming in unison. I've decided that next time I leave the house, I think we'll bring our SARS masks... you know, just in case. Lucky for us, nobody starved and, alas, we made it home. It is much scarier driving in a storm with three precious pieces of cargo in the back. Every little skid makes your heart skip a beat. But now everybody has been fed, burped and tucked in exhausted from the whole ordeal.
Braddock has another orthopedic appointment tomorrow for a new set of casts. I am hoping for a little less adventure.
1 comment:
Nic & Bill,
I feel your pain. It's amazing how differently things affect you once you're a mom. the drive in the snow is a much different experience when your little ones are depending on you to get them home safely. Hope your drive tomorrow is easier.
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