Friday, October 3, 2008

the NICU according to Gina

Since I'm freaking out about bringing Julia home and running around like a chicken with it's head cut off getting ready, I have a post written for me from my friend Gina, who came to visit us on Tuesday. She knew I'd be busy this week, so lucky for me, she wrote my post:

"Yesterday I had a chance to go and see Nicci and the DiMasi 3 at the hospital. I have been following their progress on this blog but was excited to finally meet them in person. When I first arrived Nicci and Julia were meeting with the lactation consultant. Julia was wide awake laying in her portable bassinet, checking everything out. What a precious little girl! Of course the minute Nicci picked her up she fell sound asleep and the "nursing dance" began. They took off her clothes and started tickling her to get her to wake up. When she finally woke up, she spent more time pursing her lips together than actually trying to latch on. A little lady who knows what she wants and what she doesn't want, my kind of girl! Nicci was so patient with her and kept trying to coax her to open up. If she was frustrated, she didn't let it show. Well, little Miss DiMasi got her way and had a bottle for lunch. Then we were on our way to the NICU to meet her adorable brothers. "A surprise was in store for us when we got there, Griffin was wide awake and ready to eat. Nicci got Julia settled and sat down and tried nursing him. He was so curious about what was happening and started rooting around and trying to get something to eat. His nurse was so excited about his reaction to this new environment. She told us that his "playing around" was exactly what she wanted him to do--Way to go Griffin! Braddock was a sleepy, sleepy boy and stayed snuggled up next to his sister. All of that growing is hard work. "It was just wonderful to see Nicci in full mom mode. She handled those babies like a pro. She was calm and confident, not that I expected any less. As the afternoon went on, I got some snuggle time with Julia and Braddock while Griffin hung out with his mom. As I was getting ready to leave, a doctor came over to confirm that Julia was most likely going home on Friday (Nicci and Bill already knew this and have been preparing the nursery for her) AND Braddock would be following on Monday or Tuesday. Whoa...big news! He said Griffin would probably be going home closer to the due date (October 31). Sounds like things will be in full swing for the holidays. Congratulations Nicci and Bill on three beautiful babies!"

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