Monday, November 24, 2008

Where have we been?

I figured I better get up to my computer and let you know that we are just fine. My last post made it appear that maybe the wheels were coming off the bus and then there was silence. Well, as you might imagine, I'm not sitting down too much and my blog is an indulgence that sometimes has to wait. I find most things have to wait right now. Even personal hygiene. Dry shampoo has become a great part of my life. Sad but true.

Braddock, Griffin and Julia are all doing very well. They are all out of preemie clothes and almost out of the newborn size, too. It boggles my mind to think of them at birth and see them now. We looked back at the NICU pictures yesterday. I have a hard time doing that without crying. The funny part is that we thought they looked so good then. Little did we know... The biggest change is that it's been almost a week of longer stretches of sleeping at night. We've basically dropped one feed in the middle of the night. (knock on wood) I'll bet that now that I typed that tonight we'll regress to every three hours again. During the day it's still every three hours like clockwork. Julia could eat every two hours, I swear. If all the stars align just right, I can feed all three babies at once. I think it is probably quite a sight. I put two either in Boppys on either side of me or in bouncy seats right in front of me. The third one (Julia is the most agreeable to this) is in the Baby Bjorn. I get her bottle in first and then use my neck to hold it upright for her. Once she is eating I use my free hands to put the boys' bottles in their mouths. My arms get really tired as does my neck and back but if no one is too fussy, this works. I make it a daily mission to save time in some way that isn't dangerous and the last few days, I've gotten this down for a few minutes. The unfortunate thing is that someone gets to the point where they need a burp and the whole house of cards comes crashing down. The key to feeding like this is really the setup. Everything has to be in place and ready to reach before I sit down.

Some things I've learned some things about parenting:
(Every seasoned parent already knows this stuff but first-timers like me had to learn the hard way)
1. You shouldn't wear cashmere (or any dry-clean only fabric) while feeding or diapering babies. This seems so obvious as I type it. I have too much cashmere and not enough cotton, and until this stage in my life, I was of the belief that one couldn't have enough cashmere.
2. Don't pick a baby up over your head just after they've eaten.
3. Always cover a boy's penis when you change his diaper. ALWAYS. I keep learning this and then I keep forgetting which just makes more work and more laundry for me.
4. Don't taste just a little bit of the formula just because you are curious if it is good. It's not.

We'll be having a quiet Thanksgiving here at home. It is not lost on us how much we have to be truly thankful for.

I will take some pictures this week. I hate that I'm not taking more pictures or video but it seems like I always have a baby in my hands, sometimes two, so running to grab the camera isn't really an option. We'll work on that.

Enjoy the holiday.

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