It took 40 days but for the first time in their lives, Griffin, Julia and Braddock shared a crib. Bill and I walked into the NICU this morning and we realized Griffin's isolette wasn't there so we thought we were moved to another section. As we passed the last isolette before the DiMasi corner, we saw the crib and then we saw three matching blankets and our three little babies in a row all together. It was so much fun to see. Only Braddock was awake because it was closest to his time to eat. He was looking at Griffin probably wondering where Griffin had been for the last 40 days. We've made great strides of late. All three have tried to nurse with me and they've all tried to take a bottle as well. Griffin's requiring less and less help with his breathing and Julia and Braddock are doing it all on their own. So really they are more than halfway home. Julia may be coming home within just two weeks. Braddock is right on her heels and Griffin will be right behind him. We are now trying to get a nursery ready. We didn't do anything about it because it was much too early before I started bed rest and we've been at the hospital as often as we can be since they were born. All three cribs are put together and it is starting to look like a kids room. We decided to go with chocolate brown and white stars for our theme -- very difficult to go with too much pink or too much blue. Brown is neutral yet stylish, right? We'll have some pink in Julia's crib for now. I bet she likes to play with trucks instead of dolls since her playmates will be twin boys. I hope she likes shopping with her Mom.... until she's 13 and that is so not cool anymore.
Finn just came over to see the video. He seems to know there are new DiMasis for him to love but then again Bill and I think he can talk to us so perhaps he has no real idea of what he's in for. I bring home their laundry and let him sniff it all before I wash it, so at the very least he knows there are new scents coming to the house. We'll let him soak up all the love of being the only one until he becomes just a dog.
Okay, that's all for tonight. We'll have a very busy week at Morristown Memorial feeding and growing and staying warm. More soon.
This had to be the best video so far! I love the squeaky little noises that infants make. How cool that the three of them are together at last! They all look great.
Tell Finn not to worry because he will always be the first!
WoW! I just cannot believe how big they are getting!! Get ready peanuts...four days until Auntie Kimmie & Uncle Chris go gaga over you all!
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