Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So many updates, so little time

I will just update quickly because it's been a long day.... but a very good one for the corner of the NICU filled with DiMasis. Julia is maintaining her temperature and gaining weight, so for now she's staying in the open air bassinet. She had been on the cusp of going back into an isolette, but today her temp was great all day. Since all the x-rays and blood work were negative, Braddock started his feeds again -- albeit at a much lower amount but he's eating again, and that was the first goal. On top of that good news, he had his nasal cannula removed altogether and he is breathing just fine on his own. And if that weren't enough good news, our friend Griffin had his CPAP removed as a trial and he was doing really well with just his small nasal cannula tubes! He was so wide awake and alert when they made the switch. He was holding my fingers and kicking his feet -- probably just thrilled that his face wasn't all squished from the tubes. Now that I'm home, I want to call every five minutes to see how it is going, but I will resist that urge. I'd rather the nurses be doing their jobs taking care of all the tiny miracles residing at Morristown Memorial than answer my calls.

So that is really it. It was so nice to see such progress. This picture is of Griffin today. Not the greatest shot because his nostrils were so stretched from the CPAP. It will take a few days to shrink down. The swelling in his eyes should go away quick, and his head will take about a week to reshape itself from the hat he had to wear to keep the CPAP on. Good thing babies are so pliable. We're so proud of how hard all three are working just to feed and grow. Whatever happens in my life that seems difficult, when I watch my beautiful children fight just to keep breathing on their own, I know I have nothing to complain about.


anne barclay said...

So good to see Griffin's cute little face at last! Sounds like the DiMasi trio is doing a great job of growing stronger. Hope Mom & Dad are holding up. I understand what you're saying about wanting to call every five minutes. I would be the same way. But just try to get plenty of rest yourselves while you can.
Think of you all the time.

Tami said...

I look at these entries every day and find myself laughing at your uncanny wit, crying in amazement and smiling out of pure joy. Of course I really just want to call you every day and get the live updates, but I know your time is precious right now and your three nuggets deserve all of it. Just know that I'm thinking of all of you and love you. Tami

Tami said...

I look at these entries every day and find myself laughing at your uncanny wit, crying in amazement and smiling out of pure joy. Of course I really just want to call you every day and get the live updates, but I know your time is precious right now and your three nuggets deserve all of it. Just know that I'm thinking of all of you and love you. Tami