Thursday, January 8, 2009


Julia is why God made little girls. Ever since she came into this world, she was ready to get to it! There is no doubt that 28 weeks and 4 days trapped in the womb was far too long for her. There were places she needed to go, people to see. She's just busy, busy, busy. She doesn't want to miss a minute of what's going on around her, and she is the most beautiful little thing. She just looks girly with her dainty hands and feminine features. She's a little over 12 pounds and the pediatrician thinks developmentally she's around a four-month old. Her eyes sparkle and she's so happy to see whoever she's looking at. She loves to "talk." She looks just like her Daddy and has made short work of capturing his heart in a way only Daddy's little girl can do. In the morning, she's usually up first and waiting patiently for the party to start. Sometimes she's even ready at 2:00 a.m. Her legs seem to kick whenever she's awake. She may be the smallest but she'll be leading her brothers through life; I'm sure of that. She laughs and coos and when she cries, it's the saddest sound you've ever heard. She and I are outnumbered with all these boys so we'll just have to stick together.

1 comment:

anne barclay said...

Unbelievably cute Julia!!! She is just so "girly" already. So different from her brothers in looks. She's just darling and I love the mary-janes!!! Too cute.
Love, Anne