Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Griffin rocking out to the beat

So this video isn't very good but it is so cute. Griffin is our dancing man. Whatever he is doing, if music comes on, he just starts dancing. It may look to you like he is trying to balance himself, but really he's just feeling the music. He gets a bit camera shy when he notices I'm capturing this adorable-ness, but then he gives in and dances some more. You may notice he's sitting up all by himself. That started last week. He knew that the follow-up clinic -- that I've mentioned before where they follow the development of these preemies -- said if he wasn't sitting up by July 27, we'd need to get some help. So as if he knew the deadline was approaching, he figured he'd show us what he's probably been able to do for a while and chose not to. Griffin is really laid back. We know not to rush him because he'll get there when he's ready. Braddock is starting to move around now, mostly rolling with some commando crawling mixed in, so I assume Griffin will follow suit pretty quick. And then all bets are off. We will need eyes in the back of our head.... What I know for sure is that it's time to baby proof the life out of this house!


anne barclay said...

he's a natural!

The Honeymooners-Chris and Noelani K. Miranda said...

I love it...can't wait to find out his favorite dance music. I'll be waiting!

Kathy Murphy said...

I knew he could do it...they'll all be just fine!!! Kathy