Monday, June 15, 2009

Bath Time


Braddock is in the foreground here

Bath time happens every day at about 5:30. First we feed them their oatmeal and vegetable. There is no question about whether or not they need a bath after they've eaten! All three like to eat now. Braddock is by far the most excited about it and the messiest but both Julia and Griffin are not far behind in the messy category. Lately they are trying to grab the spoon and shove it all the way down their throat. Here I am trying to wrestle a spoon away from a 10-month-old baby (that's right, I said 10 months. June 12 was their 10-month weird how that crept up) I often have trouble getting the spoon back and they are only going to get bigger and stronger.
There's no particular order on who gets the first bath. We try to remember who went first the previous day and switch it up. Sometimes it's whoever is squawking the loudest. We just start stripping them down and plopping them in the water. Right now we're using the sink. They outgrew the tub that fit in the sink awhile ago. Next stop will be the bathtub in their bedroom but for the love of my back, we'll use the sink as long as they still fit. I lay out three nighttime diapers, three onesies and three sets of pj's before I start to keep the process moving right along. In the tub all three love the faucet to be turned on and they stick their tongues out to catch the water. They are splashing all around now and they are slippery little suckers, too, so we have to hang on tight.
After they are clean and before the diaper, each one gets a baby massage. This would be my favorite part if I were a baby, so we try never ever to skip this step. After they are dressed, their hair gets combed, they go into their seat and it's on to the next one. This is the busiest time of the day in our house without question. It's kind of like a car wash with one car being cleaned and the other two in line outside getting prepped. When all three are clean, lotioned and dressed, they watch a Baby Einstein DVD. The silence when they are watching is golden! This gives us time to get the bottles ready for their last feeding of the day and to clean up from bath time. At the end, it's time for a deep exhalation....and then it's on to the laundry or to feed the bottles if they are starving or something else I forgot to do.

1 comment:

anne barclay said...

love it! Don't you love it when they're all cleaned up and smelling so goooooood?