Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween from our three little pigs!

Happy Halloween to all our friends! We really only trick or treated at one house but they loved standing at the door waiting for the trick-or-treaters to come to us! We also had a cupcake with a candle and sang "Happy Birthday" for the second time in their lives. Today was their actual due date and so they are one year adjusted today. We are weaning off the formula and moving to the sippy cups with milk. We have toddlers now officially, three mini walkers who are into EVERYTHING! Now off to eat their candy....


anne barclay said...

What cute little piggies you have!

Kathy Murphy said...

They are toooo cute in those costumes...hope everyone is staying healthy!

The Honeymooners-Chris and Noelani K. Miranda said...

Fantastic! I just got caught up...the 3 little pigs are looking so great. I loved the photo of the day with your Dad's spit up shot. Too funny. Hope the house is a WALKIN' :)

Unknown said...

Just surfing through and had to tell you how much I love their outfits! Three little pigs! :) and the spit up on the head picture is great too!