Monday, August 17, 2009

Birthday Pictures

This is our friend Angela blowing out the candles for her favorite triplets! It was her birthday, too, and she chose to spend the day with us celebrating the kids. Admittedly the pictures here are out of order but I'm just throwing them on to share. It's dinner time so I really need to run downstairs. Our one-year-olds are enjoying as the celebration continues. We've been to the pool four times in the last week. They can't get enough of the water and it is so hot, so it's perfect for us! Okay, more later. We had a nice time celebrating, and it was a Royal Celebration just as we'd hoped!

1 comment:

The Honeymooners-Chris and Noelani K. Miranda said...

Fantastic! Looks like it was a blast. Your Dad as a clown is awesome. Gorgeous pics!!!